Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
while the cat's away...
Sir William:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-04-08, 22:16:29 ---Well, since I'm the Grosskomtur of the Beuseant Brotherood, I say the Teutonic Knights can eat candy and not clean their rooms either! So HA!
We get a fun day too! ;D
--- End quote ---
What's that mean, Sir Nathan? Looks obscene. ;)
Lord Dane:
It means he's a big boy now and can stay up late on a school night without permission. LOL oh and I think it makes him the patriarchal chief of the Teutonic ranks. ;D
Sir Vander Linde:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-04-09, 03:42:37 ---For the record, we have lots of fun days! Every day is a fun day when there are pagans to fight!
--- End quote ---
Unless it turns out like the battle of the Ice, (Lake Peipus). In which case it would look kind of like this
Sir William:
Hey, what was that from? I've seen a still of the guy in the scale armor on horseback with the spear and face helm. Always liked that scale harness look.
Sir Vander Linde:
"Alexander. Battle of the Neva." - movie
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