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SCA Culture Question

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B. Patricius:
Back to the original topic  ;D

it appears that SCA "Stick Jocks" as we are affectionately known, are 14th century period  8)

from theRomance of Alexander, 1338-44. French, with a Flemish illustrator.
fol. 91r

Sir William:
moved to AC thread

Lord Ciaran:
My persona is a 14th century Scot in service to a French noble, so I dress like 100 years war French man-at -arms. I like the 14th century, it has a lot of variation from 1300-1400. I think it has more variation than any other period before it. That said , the "14th century Mafia" is quite big.

B. Patricius:
To each their own Lord Ciaran,  :)
I'm a proud member of the chain-gang if you can even call me that.  I don't regularly practice, let alone war, in the SCA.  Not even a full member.  I do like 14th century transitional armour though, I like the splints and studs, adds a nice variation. 

For me, the periods armour is a far second to the period's history, and I'm biased as I said since I've been a fan of Robin Hood since pre-school.

Lord Ciaran:
I certainly didn't mean to imply it was the best period. It is the best period for me, but maybe not someone else. Again it is a very flexable structure and offers something for almost everyone. The earlier crusader period is cool too.

I belong to a viking group as well, so I am in mail and a spangenhelm with them. It's nice to play when and where you want. I also have a Mac Bible style helm for my earlier kit. So I can appreciate the whole mail thing.


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