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Lord Chagatai:
Greetings to All,
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lord Murchadh (moor-ha) and I have been interested in the ages ever since I can remember. As a young lad I played Dungeons and Dragons which sparked me to become a Knight in everything I do. Since then I have grown a bit and gotten away from the fantasy side of the ages and studied history and the Knights of old. Most recently I have been interested in the Asian culture of the ages and especially the Mongols. But I think my heart really turns to the west and the European Knights. My heritage being Irish I think that is the way to go.

I am also an active member of the SCA, in the Kingdom of the Outlands, and the barony of al-Barran. There is where I play my interest in the Asian culture and my persona is Mongol. My SCA name is Lord Chagatai Burilgi, I am squire to Sir Chinua al-Narran.

I love everything Medieval and am always willing to learn. I have also taken an interest in following a Knightly path, whether it is in the SCA or in real life, I strive to live my life by the code. I always try to defend the weak, provide justice but try to temper it and be merciful. I also try to live by my other virtues but these are the ones I strive to keep "real" all the time. I think it is important to keep to the code in everything you do, it just makes you a better person.

So my path has brought me here to this forum and to the Order. I found you guys on Facebook and it really smacked me in the face that I needed to be around you guys to help guide me down my path. I would really love to become a member of the Order and participate in everything that you guys do. I feel that being here is going to enrich my learning and make my path easier to follow everyday. Thank you, good lords, for allowing me to be a part of this. I hope that I can become one of the Order soon.

Lord Murchadh

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Lord Dane:
Welcome to the forum.

Lord Murchadh,

Greetings and well met! I think you'll find a lot of like minded folks here at Modern Chivalry. And remember it's not all business here. We like to nerd out on a lot of things from history,  to science fiction, so feel free to let your hair down from time to time.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome Lord Murchadh and good speed to you.

Sir Wolf:
huzzah and welcome!


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