Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

In Game of Thrones News...

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I'm still reeling in shock from last Sunday's episode.  I can't get 'The Rains of Castamere' melody out of my head.

Lord Dane:
Butchery at its finest!!! :) I would of loved to have at those Freys!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!

Sir William:
That's the general consensus, fellows- I was expecting it simply because I knew it was coming.  The Rains of Castamere...it is a haunting melody.  This version is by a couple of hot harping twins...harpies?  lol

I have to tell you, the world Martin has created is both amazing and shocking in its grittiness and brutality.  In the books, the Red Wedding's even more offensive...I did not see it in the episode, but in the books Catelyn Stark's body is stripped naked and thrown into the waters below the Frey's castle as a derisive gesture toward her ancestry (Tully's are known for their affinity for watercraft).  Since I am unsure if any of you have read the books, I'll not tell you what happens next.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I saw everyone talking about the episode on FB on Monday, before I had a chance to watch it, so I knew something bad was coming. I avoided all spoilers, but I was able to guess what would happen based on the foreshadowing in the episode, and knowing that something bad would happen. I think it lessened the shock a bit.

But still... Eeep!

Supposedly the Red Wedding has its basis in history.  The Black Dinner of 1440 in Scotland, where the 6th Earl of Douglas was murdered.  At the end of the dinner a black bull's head was brought into the feasting area (a symbol of death), and then the Earl and his companions were subdued and beheaded.

As I understand in the books Talisa was not present at the Red Wedding, and thus wasn't brutally murdered at it like in the show.


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