Main > The Armoury

Adding schynbalds (front greaves) to an existing leg harness

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Sir William:
**period NOT-SEE alert**


Lookin good, Sir James.  I like the shaping on the cuisses and greaves.

Sir James A:
Thanks, all. Sir Ian, I'll post some pics later of the full harness, or at least where it is so far. I had to google for Crecy's year, but 1346 is pretty close to the 1360 I'm shooting for. I know a bit about armor, but years and most battles elude me. :)

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-03-25, 18:25:57 ---but shouldnt they be cased greaves by that point?

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Good catch! Shooting for 1360s, it's right around that transitional time, but schynbalds are still a valid (though less common) option. Citing from here:

Sir William:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-03-25, 20:35:18 ---Thanks, all. Sir Ian, I'll post some pics later of the full harness, or at least where it is so far. had to google for Crecy's year, but 1346 is pretty close to the 1360 I'm shooting for. I know a bit about armor, but years and most battles elude me. :)

--- End quote ---

For shame, Sir James, for shame!  lol


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