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Sir Vander Linde:
HI, I’m new here. I probably should have posted a general hello before anything else but I could not resist. Don’t really know what else to say but “hello”. I live in Florida, other than that the only thing you really need to know is I fight, study, and make things. I hope to make some fine new friends here that share some of the same ideals and personal pride I do for the times of old and present.  ;D

Sir Edward:

Hi there, and welcome to the forum!

Sir James A:
Hail and well met. What kind of things do you make?

Sir Vander Linde:
 Hi thanks for the welcomes :), I make all sorts of odds and ends. Armor, shields, Knives, clothing etc. never made a sword though. Plan on trying that out when I have access to my cousins work shop this summer. Unfortunately, time is a major factor and the one thing I have very little of currently due to studies and work. I usually only make things during the summer because I have three days off of work/studies then. I will try to dig up some photos of stuff I have made, I can only think of three things I might have pictures of.

Sir William:
Welcome to the forum.  Have any pics of what you've made?  All of us are in the market for more stuff...maybe not always at the same time, but trust me- we are in the market.  ;)


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