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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2013-03-20, 01:24:07 ---Does anyone know where to get spurs that would be period for the late 1200s early 1300s? I did see some here:
But I am not sure what color to get or the sizing even. I mainly want to get a pair to make my chausses fit better onto my feet which I didnt have in days of knights.

--- End quote ---

12-13th century would be Prick spurs for time period. Rowel spurs came later period.

Sir William:
Yea, I have two sets of spurs, both of them brass- (prick and rowel) get the gold plating if you can; as Sir Brian said, much more historic.  FWIW I like my brass spurs.

Sir James A:
Second for Raymond's and for the gold plating.

It took a couple months to get mine. (,1483.msg18061.html#msg18061) It was funny in that for 7 weeks, I couldn't get any response from him, and he seemed to have basically forgotten I ordered anything and didn't do anything. Then when he finally got back to me, it only took 2 weeks before I received them.

You're around the transition period for spurs, from my limited knowledge (I've been checking up on 15th/16th century spurs lately coincidentally), so you could go with either prick or rowel spurs; prick would be fading out, and rowels coming in.

Sir William:
Oh, so he doesn't have to be a prick if he doesn't want to?  LOL

On RQP - as stated, he's on his own time frame so you'll need to stay with him on it.  With that said, what he makes are very nice.

I normally wear the rowel spurs just because I like the jinking noise it makes when I walk.  Sounds bad ass.  Of course, you can't hear it in a Faire setting but you can when you're on your way in!

Sir Wolf:
man i always got my stuff in a week. maybe he likes me more


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