Main > The Courtyard

Rusty self, fighting, & Norse round shields.

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Tomorrow I think I'll get to be kitted up for the first time since June. I'm so rusty that all the members of the SCA war unit's  The Grendel's and Tribe RotMahne couldn't knock it clean off.

Also, I saw this on the SCA Heavy Combat FB page:

I plan to make a 30" round sometime this year.

Sir James A:
Armor projects are always fun! Good luck with it. :)

You mean the project where I get beaten around the practice field tomorrow?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-03-17, 00:34:22 ---You mean the project where I get beaten around the practice field tomorrow?

--- End quote ---

The 30" round shield project. :)

The field rust is less important than making the effort to get out there and trying to shake it off. Congrats on (hopefully) getting back into kit again!


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