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Whats your list of Injuries via the Art's Martial?

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We all have them, we all get them. What is the list of injuries you have accrued in doing Martial art's?

No need to be shy. Remember: scars are like tattoo's but they tell better stories.

I'm 34, been doing martial arts of some kind for about 23 years and my list is:

Piriformis syndrome ,
6 concussions (2 knocked me out),
1 partly broken shin,
1 dislocated toe,
4 sprained ankles,
A sprained wrist,
A hairline broken finger,
A broken knuckle,
A separated rib,
4 partially dislocated ribs,
One temp damaged shoulder nerve & tendon,
Torn rotator cuff,
And lots of bruises, welts and contusions.

Sir James A:
Lots of bruises from a year of SCA heavy (most seemed to be loaner gear / armor bite fitment related),
No injuries from 2 years of Karate (white > yellow > blue belt) - except a broken heart (from not meeting & dating an asian martial artist ;)),
A couple bruises from restrictive clothing at WMA practice**,
A pretty wicked bruise from what I'll call WMA (harnessfechten @ longsword demo), and
A few bruises from intimacy with rivets in plate armor**

** I posted some of the pics on my site a while back ( but not sure what I did with the pic of the bruise on the back of my leg. Sir Nathan caught me in the back of the leg with the crossguard. I was in a full harness, and we were using wooden wasters, which made the bruise all the more impressive - getting right around the armor! :D

I've had 2 concussions, one from a fight in high school (not martial arts related), and one from a car wreck. Martial arts has been one of the safer activities of my life. :D

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-03-11, 02:59:28 ---We all have them, we all get them. What is the list of injuries you have accrued in doing Martial art's?

No need to be shy. Remember: scars are like tattoo's but they tell better stories.

I'm 34, been doing martial arts of some kind for about 23 years and my list is:

Piriformis syndrome ,
6 concussions (2 knocked me out),
1 partly broken shin,
1 dislocated toe,
4 sprained ankles,
A sprained wrist,
A hairline broken finger,
A broken knuckle,
A separated rib,
4 partially dislocated ribs,
One temp damaged shoulder nerve & tendon,
Torn rotator cuff,
And lots of bruises, welts and contusions.

--- End quote ---

And a partridge in a pear tree..... :)

Sir Edward:

I've either been really fortunate, really careful, or just not active enough. :)

I've really only been doing sword combat for about 6 or 7 years, with a variety of simulators, including using steel at speed. And yet, no broken bones, sprains, or concussions. What I have gotten are lots of bruises, including some joint-strikes that stayed stiff and swollen for months. I've had some occasional over-extensions in some joints that hurt for a while. I've lost a couple of fingernails. So far that's about it.

Sir William:
Oh boy...well, a host of cuts, scrapes and bruises early on, a few sprains but nothing permanent, although I did take a wicked shot to the fingers that resulted in limited use of that hand for a couple of months but nothing more serious than that.  As of yet.


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