Main > The Armoury

Tailoring my maille.

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Looks good Sir Ulrich.  Twisty ties were a good idea.  Also, the armpit because of the diagonal cut and sewing is the hardest part, but remember, it's your armpit, so it will almost never be visible.  The armpit on my haubergeon got a little mangled, but unless you really look for it, you're never really going to see it, so don't worry if it's not perfect.  I didn't even bother riveting the rings to sew up the seam on my haubergeon.  I used the rings with rivet holes in them, but instead just took a needle-nose pliers and firmly compressed and gave a little twist to the rings where they would have been riveted.  It's not as strong as a rivet, but unless you get hit with a bodkin arrow in that link, it will hold!  :)

Lord Dane:
Good method. I might try that on mine. :)

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah, gonna do the next sleeve soon. Just got to get some help because I cant do it alone. Thankfully this maille is easier to put on than the other hauberk as it doesnt catch on my gambeson at all so it should be easy. Did cut my hand putting it on though cause I didnt have my hand in the mittens when I was putting it on. Just hope I can fix the armpit, that seems to be the hardest part to do.

You can take a look in the workshop section of this forum, I have a thread (though it's posted by Sir William) about this very subject. Since we even have the same product, I think it'll help you out.

Sir Ulrich:
I honestly think I could do this if I had something to PUT inside on the arm with my gambeson over it. Like a mannequin arm or something. If my parents werent so anal about me asking ANY favors from them I would simply wear the maille and have them mark which rings to cut with a sharpie and I'd work from there, but thats not an option at the moment unless I end up pulling teeth from them as usual -_- and even then they'll prolly screw it up... Is there any way to construct something with my arm size and whatnot so I can stick it in my gambeson and simply put some pillows inside my gambeson slide the maille onto it and tailor it from there after of course putting something inside the arms to tailor them?


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