Main > The Armoury

Tailoring my maille.

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Sir Ulrich:
Well the "angry at parents" thing mostly has to do with the fact that I am at the age where I am supposed live alone and because I want to do things alone they always have to "hover" over everything I do and not give me any "alone" time. Makes me second guess myself a lot with everything which in turn makes me not mature as quickly as my peers. Second guessing makes me end up idle and unsure of what I really want. In other words I am tired of them being "helicopter parents". I'd rather make mistakes and learn because the only way I really learn is through experience, just because one thing doesnt work for someone doesnt mean it wont work for me.  I'd rather not talk about my personal issues on a public forum though, cause then the world can see it.

Thankfully I got this foam arm, I still havent begun work because my hands hurt from fiddling around with the maille for at least 6 hours yesterday. Just unsure of removing the twisty ties on the one side, does anyone know if I should and start evenly on both sides? Or should I keep them on and work with it. I mean I dont have it on the other side and I'd LIKE both sides to be even.

Sir James A:
Keep the twist ties on, and try working on the other arm. The arms should be symmetrical so when you find one that works, copy it on the other by counting rings. Best not to taper more than 1 reduction row every 3 links, roughly, and remember you have to get your fist through the wrist opening. Armpit is the hard part so if you aren't touching that, it's easier.

Sir Ulrich:
I'll just keep them on, I already marked what I am going to cut anyway. I think I am going to avoid the armpit in all honesty. I dont care if it's a bit baggy there because I probably will be getting bigger when I am older. I may be thin now but my dad was also thin at my age and got bigger by the time he reached his late 20s and early 30s, my guess is the same will happen to me so keeping it a BIT baggy wont hurt in all honesty. I was thinking of just using butted links to close it, by using the links I CUT with the hauberk. Only issue I got there is the rings will have sharp edges where I cut them and putting them on and off might shread the gambeson, guess I will just butt some links I purchased from hanwei.

Sir William:
Use the butted links at first...if you like the fit, then you can use the riveted ones at a later date.

Point taken on the personal biz...I'd ask Sir Edward to move this to the Knight's Lyst but I think I'll just pm you.  Whatever else happens, know that I mean no disrespect, I and all the rest of us would like to see you succeed in all of your future endeavours.

I didn't even bother riveting a lot of the rings on the seams when I tailored my sleeves.  I used rivetable rings, I just didn't peen a rivet.  I just butted them close and gave a little twist to lock them in to place.  I have not lost a single ring doing this, and saved a ton of time.  You an always go back and rivet later if you want.


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