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Tailoring my maille.

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Sir Ulrich:
I decided it's time to tailor my new maille. I just used twist ties to start tailoring my maille by measuring it. Anyone got any suggestions on how to do it?

Thats how it measures out, should I just tie ONE arm and use the same measurements for the other one? I am starting to think I should do them separately but meh my folks have little patience for measuring it out for me despite me being unable to do it myself due to the fact I only have one arm.

Sir Edward:

The main thing is to make sure you can still bend your arm OK. It looks about right to me though. I'd tie up the second one (you can base this on the measurements of the first one), and then double-check that you can still move. Sometimes when you bend an arm, it can pull the body over a little, so make sure you can bend both arms at the same time.

Once you're happy, you can work on it on a table in front of your TV. I'll help the time go by. :) You'll just cut the section out that you tied off. If you can, try to do the diagonal cut evenly. That is, you'll go straight for some number of rings (3 to 8 probably) between each row-change. Count how many rings vertically versus how many horizontally will need to come out, and try to divide it up evenly so you get as straight of a cut as you can.

Once you have the strip out from one arm, close that arm up with the new links, and try it on again before cutting/closing the second arm. If you've made a mistake, it's best to catch it now.

Sir William:
I think you're onto something with the twist ties- I'd cut a row or two beneath the tie so that you have some room to work with, then you can start putting in your links and riveting them shut.  Just be sure that you have enough material left over so you can move your arms comfortably; get the full bend of your elbow so you can see how much you'll need- the ties at the inside of your elbow may pull apart but that'll be ok as you'll know it might have been too tight otherwise.  Do it a bit at a time and then try it on to make sure its a good fit.  Always err on the side of caution, so make it slightly bigger than you think you'll need.  You will want that extra room as you'll need to be able to get your arms and hands through it cleanly.

Ah, got ninja'd by Sir Edward.  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-02-14, 21:02:46 ---I think you're onto something with the twist ties- I'd cut a row or two beneath the tie so that you have some room to work with, then you can start putting in your links and riveting them shut.  Just be sure that you have enough material left over so you can move your arms comfortably; get the full bend of your elbow so you can see how much you'll need- the ties at the inside of your elbow may pull apart but that'll be ok as you'll know it might have been too tight otherwise.  Do it a bit at a time and then try it on to make sure its a good fit.  Always err on the side of caution, so make it slightly bigger than you think you'll need.  You will want that extra room as you'll need to be able to get your arms and hands through it cleanly.

Ah, got ninja'd by Sir Edward.  ;)

--- End quote ---

Good advice here, Sir William!

Sir William:
Thank you, Sir- but I believe you said it more succinctly.


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