Main > The Armoury

Help with a nagging question

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Todd Eriksen:
I've posted my new russet archer's breastplate, 1470's, before.  I know some don't like the russeted look, but I do.  Now,here's the question:  Do I match my archers helm to the breastplate or leave the sallet shiny and wear it with the russet breastplate?

Sir James A:
"OCD James" says match 'em up; russet the helmet

Or you could apply some Joe Metz style 'aging' to the helmet with some gun blue! :)  I love that lived in look that he applies to his Great Helms.

Sir Ulrich:
I'd age the helmet, I honestly like the look of aged arms and armor a lot more than shiny stuff. Plan to do it to my kettle helm eventually.

Some bluing along the center ridge and around the liner rivets might look pretty nice.


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