Main > The Round Table
The Knighting of Sir John
Sir Steven T.:
If you post a date when this would be performed It would be an honor for me to attend if possible. Very well thought out ceremony. Well Done.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Steven T. on 2013-04-01, 16:38:06 ---If you post a date when this would be performed It would be an honor for me to attend if possible. Very well thought out ceremony. Well Done.
--- End quote ---
It's at a private residence, and space is an issue. However, we are possibly having another knighting ceremony on May 5th, in Frederick, MD if you'd like to attend.
Sir Steven T.:
If it is in my power, it would be an honor to attend.
Joshua Santana:
Agreed, if I can make it, I will be there. If not, will be with you all in spirit.
Sir John of Felsenbau:
Just a reminder,
The date of my knighting has been postponed due to unforseable circumstances. Hopefully a new date can be made.
Sir John
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