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Finally received my riveting tool

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Sir William:
Thank you, Ulrich, I'll definitely take all of that into consideration.  I have looked at Icefalcon's maille at length...let me ask you because I cannot recall- how much tailoring did your hauberk require?  I'm really wanting a good hauberk, I'm not going for anymore of that ebaY stuff- good, sturdy stuff but altogether built way too much for size ranges.

I'm considering this one: 

You can see that it'll need to be tailored, but I'm hoping not as much as my current one, the Bingo Wing extraordinaire as Sir Nathan coined it.  lol

Also, it is somewhat lighter than the norm, weighing in at ~16lbs; my hauberk was 26lbs before I started removing maille from it; now it weighs in around 21lbs.  I thought I might go for their haubergeon but they only do those with the dome/pin rivets, not wedged.  Incidentally, the domed riveted shirts weigh more than the wedge riveted ones.

Sir James A:
Sir William, if you want to check out the IceFalcon maille, you can see it next time you're over. I've got the IceFalcon : fauld, voiders, haubergeon, hauberk and "stocking" closed chausses. I've also got a GDFB haubergeon that you could compare it with side by side if you want. All are pin riveted / 9mm.

Sir William:
Sir James, I'll settle for your thoughts on each- what're your observations?  How about the pricing between the two?

I also happen to like the C-a-P stuff because even with shipping it'll be less than $750 ($680 for the hauberk by itself) all told.  Hmm...just found a similar one from Icefalcon for $595, your thoughts?

That might not be what I'm looking for now that I look further...this appears to be of their pin-riveted lineup; if I'm going to spend that kind of money, I want a more historical presentation.

Sir Ulrich:
The GDFB maille on KOA is actually even cheaper, at about 416 for a full hauberk. The sleeves do need tailoring though they taper ever so slightly, the bottom is also tailored to fan outward.

Heres a pic of my hauberk

They also sell the haubergeons for a similar low price, i'd suggest the wedge riveted as it flows easier and is soft on the undergarments, unlike the dome riveted which can tear gambesons to shreds unless you use a heavy canvas one.

Sir William:
Ulrich, is that the one you're currently tailoring?


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