Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Asperger's for the Neurotypical.

<< < (9/13) > >>

Sir Edward:

I've been following along, and the videos have all been interesting. Good work so far!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-04-02, 06:13:47 ---Fan mail & questions would be easier to handle if I didn't care, but if I didn't care I wouldn't be doing the series. Work Work Work.

--- End quote ---

It's a vicious circle :)


Lord Tristin:
Good to see another aspie stand up and voice themselves! I also have Asperger's and have learned through trial and tribulation how to adapt to society.

Cool! It looks like I have over 300 people following my series at the moment. :D

This week will be week 10!


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