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Prince Valiant

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Sir Brian:
When I was at FYE a couple of weeks ago I picked up the DVD of Pillars of the Earth mini-series and I also found a previously viewed copy of the 1954 Prince Valiant movie which I had never seen. Although it was of course hokey with the mishmash of armor and weapons, the maille was the ‘knitted’ maille and the shields were the crunchable NYC trash can lid kind but all in all it was a pretty good movie but the absolute best was the Vikings! – Oh yes they were most especially authentic looking due to the numerous horns on their helmets like in the attached pictures.  ;D

In one scene with a bunch of the Vikings together getting worked up to attack a castle my wife and I laughed so hard because they looked like a herd of cattle with an especially violent strain of ‘mad cow’ disease!  :D

Lord Dane:
I heard it was "Raging Bull" Syndrome ... ???

Frater de Beaumanoir:
This is the one with Robert Wagner? It was one of my daughters favorites. I also found a cartoon series of the same name.

Sir Wolf:
ya haahh

Sir James A:
Clearly, we need those vikings at the next living history event


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