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Article: 6 Ridiculous Myths About the Middle Ages Everyone Believes
Joshua Santana:
YES! Finally justice to my profession! Yes the article does bust the big myths in which I would bust in the University classroom. :)
This is worth saving for future references. ;)
Sir William:
Too bad I can't view it...but I get the gist just from your responses to it. lol
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-18, 21:06:10 ---Too bad I can't view it...but I get the gist just from your responses to it. lol
--- End quote ---
The short version:
#6. Scientific Progress Was Dead
#5. Everyone Smelled Like Complete sh**
#4. Knights Were Honorable, Chivalrous Warriors
#3. Everyone Was a Prude
#2. Women Were Treated as Cattle
#1. Life Was Horrible and Everyone Died Young
It's worth a read if you can view it from somewhere else.
Sir William:
I'll check it from home then...looks interesting enough. What, you mean life wasn't horrible and everyone lived to a ripe old age?
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