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Sir Edward:

OK, I talked to Bill tonight, and it looks like I should be able to go. He said he'd be surprised if it went beyond 2 hours, so I think I can squeeze it in.

I also asked about spectators, and he said that plenty of seating will be available all over the place. They're setting up two rings, but will have seating near both.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-01-11, 05:14:15 ---I also asked about spectators, and he said that plenty of seating will be available all over the place. They're setting up two rings, but will have seating near both.

--- End quote ---

Excellent, thank you. I showed up at Longpoint to watch and there was no spectating, so I wanted to make sure I don't have the same thing happen since VAF is ~ 1 1/2 hours each way for me. :)

Sir William:
Huh...thinking I should go too, since it'd be an opportunity to see my knight brothers whom I have not set eyes on since before the year passed!

Sir Edward:

Yep, I'm all signed up. I expect to get destroyed by some of the MD folks. :)

Sir James A:
I plan to show up in full harness, walk into the combat ring, and just shout out "okay, who wants some of this!?" 8)

Err, maybe not. But I do hope to show up. Putting it on my calendar before I forget.


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