Main > The Armoury

New hauberk arrived

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Sir Wolf:
fear not... it will rust. but dont freak cause it will come off. my forth armoury hauberk rusted red once, i put it in a burlap sack with sand and it came clean.

Sir Ulrich:
I got it at Kult of Athena, heres a pic of it

As you can see it's soaked in oil. I think I'm gonna wipe some of it off and use some industrial soap to wash the rest off. Then I might seal it with beeswax or something to stop it from rusting. It's also MUCH larger in size than my old hauberk, prolly would make it easier to put on in all honesty.

Sir William:
The nature of a hauberk, that is, thousands of rings with a very large combined surface area and being made of mild steel means you're going to see rust at some point.  Beeswax may not be the move to make as it can also seal in any moisture still lingering from the washing you plan on giving it.

I have to go with the others, sand or sawdust, in a barrel and roll it about for a while.  It'll be good exercise as well.

KoA, huh?  I'm not able to see that site, what did they hit you for w/regard to cost?  I really like that look...much more historical looking that my 'bright maille'.  :)

I've never had any issues using a bucket of water with a lot of simple green in it to cut the grease off of there.  With it being mild steel you just have to make sure to dry it quickly afterwards, and the oven surely won't hurt.

Sir James A:
That green stuff is the oil?? The haubergon I got from KOA right before Days of Knights was oily, but a "normal" yellowish/light brown color. It was coated, but not "clumpy" like that. Mine is pin riveted, no idea if that makes a difference, but probably both from the same place; I believe mine was GDFB thru KOA.

I saw the FB post, I agree, you'll definitely want to get that all cleaned off before putting it on with the arming clothes. Having stuff on the arming clothes you're allergic too would be quite unpleasant.

I like the simple green & bucket idea. I may try that with mine this weekend. If you try it, let us know how it goes.


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