Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Neil Degrasse Tyson answer's my question on air!

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Yes it is bad (Bad Nerd! Bad Nerd!). Go to Youtube and watch these:

Sir William:
Is that Wil Wheaton??????  lol

This was very cool...I didn't watch the video yesterday (no time) so I just got a chance today.  Yours is a question I've been pondering of late- thanks to Timeline by Michael Crichton (not the loosely-based-on movie, but the actual book) and of course then you start thinking - what if time is only perceived as linear because we, as Dr. deGrasse-Tyson states, are prisoners of the present?  Then there's the whole multiverse thing...I try not to think about it too much.  :)

Sir Wolf:

Sir William:
Why can't I see that pic of Wolf's?

Sir Edward:

They're blocking hot-linking. You'll need to copy/paste the URL:



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