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Random funny armor pictures

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Sir James A:
Harnessed up to take some photos in the snow with armor. Decided to take some random candids of doing odd things...

Zombie apocalypse training:

Ugh, snow

The horse is WHERE?!

Watching A Knight's Tale

The 'Medieval Duckface'

Shiny santa!

And of course, as everyone pictures each other on the forums.....

What's new on ModernChivalry.org??


Sir Wolf:

Sir Edward:

I love these :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-12-30, 23:05:40 ---
I love these :)

--- End quote ---

I must admit, I was browsing all my saved armor pictures for some research, and I took the idea off the picture I posted a while back of the knight at the laundromat waiting on his armor, and thought "hmm, I'll have assistance this weekend to armor up, sooooo..." 8)


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