Main > The Armoury

Senior pictures in armour!

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Sir Ulrich:
Thats awesome. I like how I can see all the detail in your armor and whatnot. Makes me want to modify my kit a bit to look similar. I especially like the pics in the medieval room it suits your kit quite well. Now to get a Dargen style great helm and you'll look complete.

Hey, thou shalt not challenge my Prince Valiant hair!  ;)
Thanks guys, and yeah, the ailettes really pop.
I was allowed to take a photo shoot due to my uncle knowing the guy who owns the place. He was really great about it, he didn't vulture watch or anything.  :)

And I could see about doing this with you guys. If we all pitched in a couple dollars, I could get the same photographers (they have a whole bunch of reenactment experience), and were really excited about pictures of armour.

Geez, what is it with my topic names suggesting totally different meanings? First it's the shine of medieval pants, then the shrine of medieval paints....

Ulrich, I have a great plan for this rig. Keep an eye out this January/Febuary. And what changes are you thinking of? I'd be happy to tell you how it's all put together.  :)

Sir Andrew:
Wow! those sre come really cool pics, Sir Nathan! Well done! :D

Sir Edward:

Yep, the armory is fine since they're kit photos. The "round table" section would be fine too. :)

Awesome pictures! I *really* like some of the ones on the thrones, and in the window. Fantastic. And I want that castle. We might need to plan a siege.

Sir Brian:
Awesome pictures Sir Nathan! You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful castle in your town! Oh and I agree with the KC we need to plan a siege! :)


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