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message from AA from Christian Tobler

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It's good that they got all their stuff back.

Now perhaps I'll get my signed copy of Fighting with the German Longsword. That would be sweet! :)

Yes, In Service is an awesome book!  Like Sir James I acquired mine when Dr. Strong (Talbot) had a few for sale.  I've got Fighting with the German Longsword on the Christmas list now!

Greg Mele posted up on the fun he's had on this.

The Murdock / Adkins allegations are troubling to say the least. People came out of the woodwork to vouch for him.  I'm interested to hear his response. As for now, is still on the "do not patronize" list until further notice.  Seems better to just stay away forever...

In other news, a guilt-free copy of Fighting With the German Longsword should be on its way to my house right about now!

Joshua Santana:
This is indeed excellent news, now I can buy Deeds of Arms!   ;D


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