Main > The Round Table
Chivalrous deeds at renfaires and events.
Sir Edward:
I think what they're doing is awesome, even if the combat isn't based on the historical manuals, since it looks like they have a blast with it, and it's successful at raising funds for various causes. I think they said about 15% goes towards expenses, and the rest towards charity. According to their website they also conduct themselves as a functioning chivalric order.
I noticed that a lot of the armor is off-the-shelf. I spotted at least one GDFB helmet, and what I think was the old CAS-Iberia Spangenhelm that's long since discontinued. Their Sir Edward (small world) I think said his riveted mail was from Knight's Edge, but he might have meant Museum Replicas. I didn't speak with them much (I should have, but I never think of the right things to say or ask when I'm there).
One thing that was amusing was that if the donations for each round of fights made it over $50, they would all line up and do the Wizard of Oz Tin-Man dance. :)
Ironically I got almost no photo-ops with my own armor there because there were a whole bunch of red knights everywhere. :)
Anyway, I had thought about the idea of trying to do something similar as well. The problem is that I spread myself thin with all my hobbies. :)
Das Bill:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2008-04-08, 13:13:43 ---One thing that was amusing was that if the donations for each round of fights made it over $50, they would all line up and do the Wizard of Oz Tin-Man dance. :)
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Okay, that's fantastic! :)
--- Quote ---Anyway, I had thought about the idea of trying to do something similar as well. The problem is that I spread myself thin with all my hobbies. :)
--- End quote ---
I hear you!
Das Bill:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2008-04-08, 13:13:43 ---I think what they're doing is awesome, even if the combat isn't based on the historical manuals, since it looks like they have a blast with it, and it's successful at raising funds for various causes. I think they said about 15% goes towards expenses, and the rest towards charity.
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You know, its dawned on me that my earlier post about what the fighting style sounds like might appear like I'm dismissing it, so I wanted to clarify that I wasn't. I was merely remarking on what it could possibly be based on. I really do value that they are doing something fun for the profit of others. :)
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-04-10, 05:16:33 ---You know, its dawned on me that my earlier post about what the fighting style sounds like might appear like I'm dismissing it, so I wanted to clarify that I wasn't. I was merely remarking on what it could possibly be based on. I really do value that they are doing something fun for the profit of others. :)
--- End quote ---
That's OK, I thought it was pretty clear what you meant, but you're right, it's too easy for people to misinterpret forum posts. Always good to clarify! :)
For the sake of clarity, what I wrote wasn't meant to imply that I grudgingly accept their combat style only because it's charitable. Not at all; just making observations about where it's similar and where it's not.
Sir Edward:
I found a pic of the first story I posted in this thread, and modified it into the message...
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