Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Star Citizen
Sir William:
I tried MMO too...WoW, specifically. I was underwhelmed at the graphics (admitting we're talking about 8 or 9 years ago now) and gameplay; it seemed rather simplistic so I didn't enjoy the little time I spent with it. Even watched a guy play some of it, explaining what was going on- the hub activity and creating alliances and joining guilds and the like. It sounds good on paper but it seemed very ho-hum in execution.
Of course, I'm all-in on my second run-through of Skyrim...when I first got it, I had it for the PS3 thinking I'd get all the updates first like I did w/Oblivion. So not the case; it wasn't til I was reading about the Dawnguard DLC did I realize I made the wrong choice. My cousin got me the 360 version and I'm...well, I'm a lot of time into it and wondering what the hell am I doing playing it again, after having spent nearly 300 hours the first play through? lol
Lord Dane:
I concur with Sir Ian. PC Gaming is the only platform for me... Can't wait til I get my new LCD display assembly for my HP laptop so I can finish playing Skyrim. :( HP laptops are never worth the money especially because they overheat & s**t the bed easily costing you to replace the mother board or other essential components. HP.... Never again.
I reserved a ship and beta access recently, and saw that this is now funded to just north of $46M.... that's crazy!
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-12, 12:57:23 ---I reserved a ship and beta access recently, and saw that this is now funded to just north of $46M.... that's crazy!
--- End quote ---
Yeah, there's huge interest in this one, for sure. I'm hoping they take their time and do it right.
Comparatively, it looks like Elite: Dangerous is much further along in development, but I don't think it's going to be quite as robust and complex of a game, relatively. I got in on the kickstarters for both though, and they both look good so far.
Sir William:
I never played Wing Commander at length; I had a buddy who had it on his PC so I played that and a lot of other early games at his house. Still, I liked the premise and I have always been a Calvin and Hobbes fan so the Kilrathi are kinda cool to me. Much like the Khajiit in Elder Scrolls; in any event, I remember Mark Hamill playing a considerable role at least in the FMV cut scenes, which were awesome for its time.
As much as true fans may have hated it, I liked the movie w/Freddie Prinze and the guy who plays Shaggy.
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