Main > The Armoury

Cooling Vest

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Sir Brian:
Well like the knightly wet t-shirt concept, (something about that last statement STILL just
sounds wrong ;) ) I want to verify the idea before investing in any of the retail versions
...and if my homemade (i.e. Wal-mart) version works well enough I'll stick with it and save
the $90 to $160 dollars to spend on more important beer!  ;D

Couldn't have said it better myself! ;)

Sir Brian:
Please pardon the resurrection of this old thread, but since we are quickly
approaching another fair season I thought it was appropriate to update some
of the possible choices available out there for this concept...unless of course
someone has it from a competent authority that we will have a mini-iceage
this fair season, the heat will still be a major concern for us wearing armor.  ;)

Here is a couple of links to some cheaper style cooling vests. I intend to try out
the first, cheapest versizon and work up to the more expensive version if the
cheaper vests don't suffice. These cheaper types go on the same basic principle
as the wet t-shirt concept but in theory should provide a much longer cooling potential.

I've rejected the types of cooling vests that use a type of insert that require you
to freeze since it didn't seem practical for those out of town fairs but I may
consider them for the first few weekends of the MDRF.  :-\

I'll post another update after I've had a chance in the next couple of weeks to test
it out when I get my new additions to my harness.  :)

So what new goodies are ya' adding to your harness, boyo?

Sir Brian:
Well I'm adding this new gambeson in a kelly green.

I'm also getting new rowell spurs from Quiet Press.

And I'm getting some splinted cuisses which is a combined accomplishment of two excellent
armories. I’ve commissioned Nute Scott to make the cuisses using the 14th century Knee cops
that I had purchased from Allan Senefelder @ Mercenary’s Tailor, these were directly shipped
to Nute so he could attach them to the cuisses. I wanted Allan’s exquisite knee cops which
matches my elbow cops that are also from him.
(You know, I’m just trying to do my best to help support our resident forum armories! )   ;)

I’m also shopping around for another sword to use at the out of town fairs we’ll visit this season
and keep my MDRF “special” sword from getting too much potentially damaging exposure and jostling.

I had also hoped to find a better and more "true" gryphon crest for my helm but that is proving to be
extremely difficult. But after these additions I will call my harness 100%.  ;D


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