Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Everyone surviving Hurricane Sandy okay?

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Sir James A:
Martial law, you say? Neighborhood watch? Round up the knights!

Sir Ulrich:
I have been living in third world conditions for the past 4 days now. I averted a gas leak, which I saved the lives of myself my brother my father and dog thanks to my quick thinking. Thank god the hot water heater gas burner didnt go off otherwise our house would be blown up. I still dont have power but I do got internet due to the generator and I hope it works but I have been going crazy without any contact with my friends.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir William and Sir Ulrich,
I am so sorry to hear that you or your families are having to go through this.
I am sure that our brethren on the forum send our prayers and support at this time.
Sir William, Please pass my warmest regards to your folks.

Lord Dane:
Same here Sirs William & Ulrich. Hope things are safe for you all.  :(

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-11-03, 00:19:30 ---I have been living in third world conditions for the past 4 days now. I averted a gas leak, which I saved the lives of myself my brother my father and dog thanks to my quick thinking. Thank god the hot water heater gas burner didnt go off otherwise our house would be blown up. I still dont have power but I do got internet due to the generator and I hope it works but I have been going crazy without any contact with my friends.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, losing power and internet is a pain. Where in NJ are you? I know a lot of the state got smacked pretty hard. I was looking at some of the aerial photography and the like. I also had the news on all day during the storm, and watched a lot of the first-hand reports there and in New York. Just curious which town you're in.


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