Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

My kingdom for a realistic game!

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Sir Brian:
I was playing CMW online the other day and took notice of a chat going on in game. The first player asked the general question as to why he could only hold his block for a short time when another player replied with: "Well you can't expect to hold 30 lbs up for long". I had to interject at that point and replied that NO medieval weapon was ever 30 lbs. 5 - 8 lbs at most. The player under the misconception that weapons and shields weighed 30 lbs. then came back with "Not spears, they are heavy". Which I replied with: "They were even less!".  ::)

That dialog and the way games of the medieval genre have been and are still being developed convinces me that despite those of us in the know, the heinous and ignorant misconceptions concerning medieval arms and armor fostered during the Victorian era is still prominent. I lament that even the very few conscientious game designers that take the time and effort to research the historical accuracy of the 'Look' of the armor and weapons still do not capture the true 'feel' and accurate function ability of wearing armor. It would be nice if just for ONCE a game developer would watch some decent live steel combat and see the range of motion, speed and agility many fighters possess, then perhaps those moronic notions that swords weigh 30 lbs and armored knights needed to be craned onto their mounts will thankful go the way of the 'Earth is Flat' heretics!  ;)

Lord Dane:
For the record, Sir Brian... they were not heretics...they all mostly believed in faith/religion but they were uneducated, ignorant, illiterate, and/or frightened to challenge the World's view as seen through the eyes of the Church. Commonly known as 'stupid' & 'cowards'. Wake up Flat-worlders!! :)

Actually, the fact that the world was round was general knowledge at the time. The greeks first discovered it, and so did anyone who ever noticed the existence of a horizon. This knowledge would be taken for granted, especially by educated Churchmen of the period. Actually, anyone going about spreading a view such as the world being flat would be the one accused of being a heretic.

But really, the misconceptions (and the 1st person gameplay with a terrible sense of reach) in CMW are simply killing the game for me  :P

Sir Wolf:


Lunacy! Next you'll all be asserting that the earth revolves around the Sun! Do not make me summon the Holy Inquisition.


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