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Sir Ulrich:
I commissioned a scabbard from Jesse Bailey. I hope I get my scabbard soon enough, it's been about 2 months since I payed them... I did buy that coif off of them so I am pretty sure I can trust them, my mother on the other hand keeps telling me I was scammed ect.  She said the same about my old Icefalcon maille and it honestly irritated me.

Hand crafted items usually take a good amount of time.  From what I know, it sounds like you're in good hands.

Sir Wolf:
if she knew Jessie then she would be fine. i talk to his wife on facebook just about every other day. you can't get greater people.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2013-02-14, 15:40:32 ---I commissioned a scabbard from Jesse Bailey. I hope I get my scabbard soon enough, it's been about 2 months since I payed them... I did buy that coif off of them so I am pretty sure I can trust them, my mother on the other hand keeps telling me I was scammed ect.  She said the same about my old Icefalcon maille and it honestly irritated me.

--- End quote ---

It is normal and natural for parents to worry about such things...when you get your item you can show her that those folks can be trusted.  Its ok man...that's how it is when you live at home with the 'rents.  Just be respectful and look forward to the day when you can be out on your own- til then, be cool.  ;)

Sir Edward!  I think you might have convinced me to give CF another look (well, you and Sir Ian) - that rig looks very, very- is it bad if I say 'sexy'?  I like the clean lines and overall simple yet attractive package.  Nice offset between the oxblood grip and belt with the brown scabbard- and the steel accents *pop*.  I really like that.  The simple elegance of the rig is matched in kind by the Talhoffer's own understated good looks.  Really great combo, nicely done Sir.

I must say, I've been cruising his site of late- he offers a great deal of options to choose from.  I still have that Knight that needs a scabbard...but I'm not certain I wish to keep it.  Have to decide on that first I suppose.

In any case, I think I speak for all assembled that we need you to kit up and put it on so we can see how it hangs on you, Lord Commander!

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-02-14, 14:49:49 ---Yeah mine is still a little too snug but I don't work it enough...

Wow I just realized that simple statement has SO many implications!  :o

--- End quote ---

Indeed good Sir...indeed.  ;)

Sir James A:
Excellent scabbard, Sir Edward! There's a real elegance to the simplicity with medieval items. Functional and deadly, above all.


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