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Sir Wolf:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-10-24, 23:17:28 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-10-24, 21:15:53 ---I think that's a fair request by you. It's always struck me as odd that somebody would need to put a deposit just to get on a list, rather than when their turn is ready (and they need the deposit for materials, etc). Seems like the "proper" way I'd do business is, you want on the list, you get on the list free. When your turn comes up, you get contacted, if you don't respond or you don't have the deposit ... next on the list. Paying to wait on a list isn't very fun, and if I knew I paid a deposit on something that was nowhere near being started, I'd be constantly thinking "don't shut down and run with my money". :(

--- End quote ---

In this particular case I wouldn't expect CF to run off with someone's money, he's well known and established.  I think deposits are fair when you're dealing with someone with that level of reputation (CF, DBK, Hedgecock, Wasson etc..)  When it comes to the typical SCA armorer who kind of hammers metal to resemble something medieval, then yes, fear for your money!!

--- End quote ---

Agreed, I was talking mostly generic "normal business", and not CF or anyone specifically. :)

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-10-24, 22:47:39 ---
Well, he replied and very graciously offered to return to the original agreed price. So it's a go!

--- End quote ---

Awesome! Very stand-up of him.

Sir William:
He's a one-man operation so I'd allow a bit of leeway for things like this to happen from time to time; seeing as his site specifically states that a $100 deposit is required to get in queue, I don't see his response as off-putting...disappointing to learn, no doubt.  In any case, I'm glad he's decided to honor the old pricing for you, Sir Edward- and I know moving forward you'll be more diligent in communicating your intent.  ;)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I didn't remember his policy on deposits, but I figured he'd have asked for one when I was agreeing to the original price quote. So from my point of view, if he weren't willing to at least meet me half-way (and if I needed to re-queue from scratch), I'd have walked. It was all a simple miscommunication, of course, but I thought everything was on-track until yesterday, and I was looking at a waste of 7 months that I could have been in either his queue or someone else's.

Sir Brian:
Well Brett doesn't have a long que, think you can knock out a wood core in a couple of days and see what he can come up with?  ;)


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