Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Lance Armstrong is without honor
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-10-28, 10:31:30 ---I certainly understand and concur with your sentiments Bradamante! Back in 1985 I stopped being a football fan when the then underdog New England Patriots surpassed all the long odds against them in the playoffs and made it to the Super Bowl for the first time, only to be destroyed by the Chicago Bears. I could accept the bittersweet loss until the Boston Globe revealed several days later that a handful of the Patriots players were using drugs during the season and that some players threw a cocaine party during Super Bowl week! >:(
I decided then that I would not support or follow any professional sports since it only enables the entire sports industries to promote and glamorize 'star' athletes without concern or conscience of those same 'stars' integrity, honor or morality. I have much better heroes to admire and look up to; Like men, women and even children of courage, humility, diligence and self-sacrifice. Such heroes surround us each and every day but are not easily noticed because they do not do what they do for the glory or monetary riches but for the betterment of whom they serve and joy of making a difference. They are the kind of people I aspire to be like although I am woefully inadequate.
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About 8 years ago or so there was a primetime slot tv show called 'Playmakers' - I know of it because I was a big fan of the series, even got it on DVD when the announcement went out that, despite being the highest rated show ever put out by ESPN (except for the Sunday Night Football show), it was being canceled due to pressures from the NFL, who felt it portrayed professional football in a 'negative light'. If you substitute that for 'the truth' you would be right on the money. This show's star RB, a rookie from the midwest, got addicted to crack cocaine- so much so that he had his dealer hooking him up at the stadium just prior to gametime. They even showed how he beat the piss test (it looked painful, very painful) and all that jazz, but it also dealt with other off-the-field issues, like their starting QB (a Tom Brady type of course) being a regular Lothario, having the team mgr spot likely bed partners via binoculars while the QB is on the field; the aging RB who is still trying to vie for the top spot, a linebacker with paternity issues, their soft hands TE with a blockbuster secret- the list goes on. Well scripted, with a very convincing cast...I was completely drawn in. The NFL has a lot of money and a lot of clout...they'll do anything to protect that business, even allowing their players to do things that the ordinary citizen would be thrown in jail for, they get off with a tap to the wrist. Except for Michael Vick.
With all that said, I'm still a NY Giants fan, can't help it.
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