Main > The Great Hall

Hello It's Me.

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Todd Eriksen:
Well, some of you I had the pleasure of meeting at DoK, but here's some more skinny on me.  I've been an avid Edward, the Black Prince fan for many years, so I have been trying to create a soft kit that would be expected of a retained knight of his house.  Through some research I found a gentleman named Sir John de la Mare, who fits that bill.  I'll be trying to present some type of presentation as him in the next year or two.  Anyway, I like portraying the mid 1300's, when England was at it's height in the 100 YW and that's what my kit represents.  I'm pretty proud of my Black Prince harness that Rob Valentine made for me years back.  (I've 'grown' some since and now the arms and spaulders has a gap, but I'm getting new arms made for me to replace those.)  I am good friends with the guys at Arms and Armor in Minneapolis and have helped them with presentations at the Minneapolis Institute of Art and their booth at the Minnesota Ren Faire.  I also do 1470's English portrayal's.  I had an Italian harness but traded it off so I could get involved with American Civil War stuff. :(  So I portray an English archer, in both the 1360's and 1470's.  That's the quick blurb on me.  Thank you for letting me be a part of this forum with such wonderful gentlemen, especially those I met first hand at DoK.

By the way, I dabble in making medieval furniture, such as trestle tables, canfield style chests, fauldstool, basically anything.  I don't do museum quality work and don't spend a lot of time on the finish (sanding and staining) to keep costs down and give the average guy a chance at looking authentic on the cheap.  I barter too, by the way.  If interested in anything check out Miscreant's Medieval Miscellania on Facebook.

Sir Edward:

That's a nice looking harness! And welcome to the forum!

Man, with everyone getting greaves and sabatons on their 14th c. kits, I'm going to be shamed into doing so at some point. :)

Welcome good Sir!  I may have to pick your brain some time on the furniture making stuff. 

Honi soit qui mal y pense

edit:  I just got done perusing some of the photos of your furniture work, wow, blown away!  Beautiful stuff Todd!

Sir Wolf:
hey Todd, welcome. been a long time since Paston!! hope you enjoy the forum!! awesome kits

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Good speed to you Tod.
Really nice kit by the way  ;)



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