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New Sword Purchase Pending :) :)

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Lord Dane:
Dilemma!! Help me decide gentlemen. Which shall it be for my next purchase. I like all the designs but not too certain which yet...
The 'Del Tin' late 13th century.
'Lutel' High Medieval Sword (same period).
'Valiant Armoury' Crusader Sword (Signature Edition).

Welcome any thoughts, suggestions.

How exciting, Lord Dane! I have the Valiant Armoury Crusader Sword (Signature Edition). I have been very happy with it. Its name is Iracundus. The accompanying scabbard is well made, a pride to wear. The sword itself is a delight to wield. Incredibly light. In fact, at less than 2 pounds, some might say too light. My DA Crusader is twice as heavy, but not nearly as quick. If you are at MDRF this Sunday, I can bring mine so you can get a feel. The lightness does bother some folks who need the weight.

Looks like a hard decision awaits you!

Lord Dane, you came to a terrible place for people to help you make a choice.  Please allow me to be the first... get ALL THREE!!! BUUUUUYYYYY TTHHHEEEMMMMM!!!!  YOU NEEEEEEED THEM ALLLLLLLL!! :)

The Del Tin says "sword" to me loudest. I'd get the Del Tin.


--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-10-20, 00:09:34 ---Lord Dane, you came to a terrible place for people to help you make a choice.  Please allow me to be the first... get ALL THREE!!! BUUUUUYYYYY TTHHHEEEMMMMM!!!!  YOU NEEEEEEED THEM ALLLLLLLL!! :)

--- End quote ---

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