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WMAW 2013

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Joshua Santana:
I am considering attending this one, but with budgetary uncertainty and college in the way, I may not attend.  Honestly, I would work to be able to attend this event.   

Sir Ancelyn:
I backed out of going in 2011. I think I might give it a try this year.

Wish I could but that's 2,000 mile drive from here, and I can't as yet afford the plane ticket.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Hersir Thorsteinn on 2012-11-20, 19:15:57 ---Wish I could but that's 2,000 mile drive from here, and I can't as yet afford the plane ticket.

--- End quote ---

And over that distance, the gas would probably cost as much as flying. I have that debate with myself every year too, though the distance for me is about half that.

Joshua Santana:
I agree, the distance is way too big for me and my pops (we live in New Jersey).  The expenses for either gas or plane tickets would overwhemingly be bigger than my savings. 
On top of that, I have college during september of 2013, if I could attend summer classes in order to skip a semester I would go for it.  In spite of working full time, I woudl manage if I get the green light from my folks. 

I pray I get to go to this event.  It would be worth saving every penny. 

Question for Sir Edward:  What are the booth prices for either Arms & Armor or Albion in regards to purchasing a longsword trainer? 


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