Main > The Courtyard

WMAW 2013

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Sir Brian:
Well I suppose I could try for 2015, if we are all still here that is! ;)

Sir William:
The Big Scare was last December 21, 2012...think we're good.  ;)

Sir Brian:
I didn’t put any stock into that Mayan doomsday garbage anyways.  ;)

However I was referring to more authenticated prophecies. If you have Netflix check out the documentary film: The Daniel Project.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-03-12, 02:56:46 ---.... And the registration for WMAW is now full. I didn't sign up, since I've been busy with house stuff this weekend, but have asked to be put on the waiting list. It gives me a little more time to decide what to do. :)

--- End quote ---

Good grief, didn't even have time to process if I thought I could make it. Decision made for me, I suppose. :)

Joshua Santana:
Yep, filled very quickly which is a good thing.  I couldn't and wouldn't be able to make it this time.  However the next WMAW I will be there for certain.


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