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Rosaries / Paternosters

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Sir Edward:

I found several options for a period Rosary on Etsy, as well as this other site where I asked them to customize one for me. Check it out:

It's a frequently overlooked detail for monastic knight impressions.

Just be careful, my understanding is that a crucifix on a pater noster like on a modern rosary is not that common until the later middle ages, along with the drop (the extra 5 beads on a modern rosary to which the crucifix is attached).  More commonly it would just end in a tassel. 

Ian is correct. For instance, my Rosary is probably non-period, if one is being super strict about things.
I actually use that Rosary though, so I don't plan on replacing it anytime soon.  :)

Jessica Finley:
I love it, Ed!  I have a special place in my heart for these items.  :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-09-26, 21:38:02 ---Just be careful, my understanding is that a crucifix on a pater noster like on a modern rosary is not that common until the later middle ages, along with the drop (the extra 5 beads on a modern rosary to which the crucifix is attached).  More commonly it would just end in a tassel.

--- End quote ---

A 'crucifix' is more common to the later middle ages & more specific to Roman Catholics as opposed to other Christian denominations. Actual rosaries of earlier period were more common-place with a plain small wooden cross (if any) and not having any actual representation of Jesus Christ common on crucifixes. They were not very decorative to illustrate humility & humble origins but certain religious folks, Orders, or more wealthy may have had dyed beads. For example, The Order of St Francis of Assasi (original Franciscans) wore black & white beaded rosaries with simple wooden hand-carved crucifixes usually of rosewood. They were traditionally hand-made by Order members to ordain the sanctity of their vows & devotion to the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ.


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