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Sir William:
Yea, that opening scene really established him as the bad guy- but I think a prequel might better serve to show how he fell from grace in depth, than to have reversed the story.  But then, I never read the books so I can only go on the feel of the movie.  Caught it again a couple of weeks ago...

Sir Wolf:
the thing is, in the books all that never happened. its not there why he's always on a crusade against pirates or africans

Sir William:
Sounds like I should read the books, then because now I want to know. 

Sir Wolf:

The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard  really one of my favorite books ever. its like a collection of some of the short stories

Sir William:
This'll really make you laugh- I am a HUGE Conan first intro was via Marvel Comics so I've never actually gotten into the source material, but I had NO idea REH wrote Solomon, too.  I liked Kull the Conqueror too.  Wow...that's pretty awesome.  I still get a kick out of the old REH physical description of Conan, same size as me and I'm nothing like him.  lol


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