Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Why correct action is good and awesome.

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Sir William:
Same here...depends on where you posted it on that forum and of course, who responded.  I see they have certain biases towards you because you speak your mind when you feel the need to, despite however many trying to shout you down.  I admire that...it has been my experience that most will fold under that sort of onslaught, but not you.  Your detractors would mark that as something to hold against you, but we do not.

There's also this to consider: not everyone has had the pleasure of knowing such happiness- even if it does not last, you did get to experience it.  Those that have not, can never truly understand it - oh they might think they got it on an intellectual level but that's like saying you read a great book but didn't 'experience' it because imagination only goes so far when it has nothing on which to draw from.

Nothing like it in the world, is there?  I lucked out...I ended up marrying the woman who showed me what real love could be like.  It was a no-brainer for me...like that line in Knight & Day (Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz actioner):

WITH her.  :)


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-09-21, 16:03:59 ---... I see they have certain biases towards you because you speak your mind when you feel the need to, despite however many trying to shout you down.  I admire that...it has been my experience that most will fold under that sort of onslaught, but not you.  Your detractors would mark that as something to hold against you, but we do not....

--- End quote ---

I have been trying to think of how to respond to that, for it is a great compliment and many have told me that they respect that in me (including a certain lovely lady), but all I could come up with is:

Thank you. It really means a lot. It's not a purposeful thing but a natural reaction. It's part of my core to try to be stubborn and fight for what I think is right.

Again, thank you. :)

Sir William:
You're welcome.  I'm surrounded by politically-correct sycophants who think there is no higher calling than what they consider to be the epitome of their field...but they're all cowards as far as I'm concerned because not a one of them will speak their mind, they only speak what they think their superiors want to hear.  Not all of them, mind you...but there is this silent undercurrent of fear that drives me nuts.  It is one of the reasons why I'll never get promoted...and that doesn't bother me all that much.  What I'd have to give up in order to advance is more than my pride or sense of self can take.

The road you must trod because of your unwillingness to bend to conformity will seem harder, may actually be harder, than most...but I think it'll also be one that you'll take proudly and will be able to look yourself in the eye in the mirror and be pleased with what you see.

It didn't work out. She wasn't ready for a new & serious relationship, but she didn't want to leave. She wasn't prepared for how she would feel and all the issues that would bring up. I think she still loves me, "the lady doth protest too much" when it comes to anything that makes it seem, in anyway, like we are still together. I know she cares, our last night made that clear, with the biggest and most passionate fight coming after I told her I would walk away because she needed me to (though she says it was she who left, that she had wanted to for weeks, I just finally 'listened') and the ensuing mutual big cry and hug after. ("Leave my house now!", an hour later after following me outside to continue the fight, "Come inside & sleep, if you die going over Donner Pass I will feel awful", an hour later "Come stay with me in my bed till I fall asleep, but no funny stuff", the next morning "I have to go but if you want to spend a few more hours on the couch sleeping that's fine")

All I can do now is leave her be. Get better, hope for the future, and never let myself forget that I love her.

Sir Edward:
I'm really sorry to hear this. But not everything works out or lasts. But then again, if you still care about each other, that may mean there's still a chance for the future.


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