Main > The Armoury

Soft Kit for DoK

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Sir Edward:

Looking good. The wool does itch if you're not used to it, but I think an undershirt will help a lot, and won't be visible. I'm a huge fan of cheating when it's not visible. :) Your skin will build up a tolerance for the wool too if you wear it a lot (as long as you're not allergic to it).

Sir Wolf:
you should be wearing a linen under tunic under the wool. looks great man. like that you went with those colors rather than all brown.

Sir Ulrich:
I was gonna go with red and black but they didnt sell it and I think burgundy woulda looked bad without matching. It actually isnt brown it's copper and black mixed together and looks brown in a distance or in pics. Do still plan to get custom tunics but my outfit kinda looks peasantish now with the duller colors rather than bright red and dark black. Still will work for now, I like the way the colors go together and it fits in for the October season.

Sir Edward:
I wouldn't worry about it looking peasant-like. Actually peasants wore a lot of bright colors. Hollywood has led us to believe they wore drab, dull colors.

So you can wear what you want. Color doesn't necessarily indicate station (with some exceptions).

Sir Ulrich:
Hollywood usually misleads the public about medieval ages, I always imagine the nobility having bright colors for some reason. Though colors back then were probably less bright as dyes didnt nearly stick to clothing as well as modern dyes do.

Yeah, my parents keep saying it looks like I'm a monk or something, I do like the tunic though (got the anglo saxon one cause it was closest to a 1200s tunic), the way it's not one solid color is quite interesting and the color suits my complexion and hair color. I actually look like someone out of the medieval period with my long hair and beard. I do think a brown belt would be better than a red one but I preferred red because it simply looks better with my armor and whatnot. Green would of looked cool too but again they didnt sell green tunics or hoods there but then people would think robin hood and I already have a robin hood outfit.


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