Main > The Armoury

wow so tempted if ihad the cash!!

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Sir William:
Really good...and these look almost exactly like the riveted/solid ring hauberk I found for $99 (+$179 shipping lol)...think I'll get that first.  LOL

I love that darker look...Sir Edward's new coif is similar in looks and it looked really dashing on him.

Sir Wolf, have you checked out that guys other listings?  He's selling sheets of riveted maille, as well as round ring/flat washer maille too.  Seems it'd be perfect for making voiders and leggings and such.

He even has riveted aluminum shirts for $205 ($100 + $105 shipping)!  Talk about being spoiled...I'd forgotten how heavy a steel hauberk can be since I never wore mine all last season.  lol

Lord Dane:
With all this shopping & spending, I was wondering.... does anyone in this forum actually have bills to pay???  ::)

Sir William:
Would that we did not...I'm actually on the lower end of the spending should see some of the stuff some of these guys manage to get their hands on!  I think Sir Edward has come up with a new kit, at least one new high-end sword and a custom-built scabbard to house said sword and the year's not yet done.  Sir James buys armor like you and I buy soft drinks.  Me, I just talk alot about what I want to get but rarely have the funds to do so...but when I do, I get all excited like a kid at Christmas.  ;)

Sir Wolf:

Lord Dane:
Someone tell Ben Bernake that Sir Wolf needs a bailout for his maille chausses. Send the good word that he's good for it so he can avoid the credit check.


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