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On the Krumphau

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Sir Brian:
Well I don’t know if haughty or snide is the general intention of other practitioners of WMA/HEMA however it does help to sort of keep everyone on the same sheet of music so to speak when you all sling around the same lingo! Most especially if you are studying different weapons originating from multiple countries. At MASHS I’m studying three different weapon systems from three different countries of origin which are German longsword, Italian dueling sabre and French dueling epee and sometimes we’ll train with all three in the same class so it can get very confusing. Yet these three weapon types are so diametrically different from each other that no viably universal terminology could even be remotely applied. :-\

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-09-19, 12:02:03 ---Yet these three weapon types are so diametrically different from each other that no viably universal terminology could even be remotely applied. :-\

--- End quote ---

... Except maybe "parry" :)

Sir Brian:
Nope! I thought we weren’t supposed to ‘parry’ in longsword!  ;)

Jessica Finley:
Of course we can parry - if we are doing it properly.  (think the counter to the counter to the Zwerchhau, that is, parry and duplieren)  :D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Jessica Finley on 2012-09-19, 15:03:24 ---Of course we can parry - if we are doing it properly.  (think the counter to the counter to the Zwerchhau, that is, parry and duplieren)  :D

--- End quote ---

Oh, you mean the John Clements Krumphau. :)


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