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The Belgariad by David Eddings

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Sir William: Try 'Oath Of Swords' by David Weber. I think it will be to your liking.

Sir Wolf:
i love these books, they were an easy read on the metro. great story line!


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-21, 20:02:39 ---I've never heard of this guy to my recollection.  Since I dig fantasy, I'll look him up.  I'm wrapping up the Sword of Truth series now, on the last book, Confessor and will be looking for something to fill the time until the next thing catches my fancy.

I like formulaic stuff from time to time.

--- End quote ---

Don't forget the prequel!

I also recently read this guys Sovereign of the Seven Isles series (he's up to book 4, 5 should be out by the end of this year)-

It's pretty good, but you can definitely see the influence Terry Goodkind had on him.

Sir William:
About Magda Searus?  That should be good.  Didn't much care for Law of Nines - which dealt with the non-magical world that Richard had created at the end of Confessor.  He never explicitly said so, but there were little tells that pointed you to that.

These books had side novels that were worth a read. Belgareth the Sorcerer, and Polgera the Sorceress 


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