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Coup de Groin

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Sir Edward:

No kidding, that's exactly what it is-- assault.

Not to mention the fact that it appears that the recipient in this video wasn't expecting that sort of treatment, and likely wasn't wearing a cup. It's not just a physical assault, but also an apparent violation of the understanding  between the combatants.

Das Bill:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2008-08-22, 15:52:31 ---but also an apparent violation of the understanding  between the combatants.

--- End quote ---

And that to me is the most shameful part of it. If you want to have an "anything goes" mentality (which I think is in itself a flawed assumption, otherwise it'd be okay to throw rocks or pull out a pistol), then fine, but you'd damn well better make sure your partner is aware of this, too. Otherwise its an inexcusable betrayal of trust.

Todd Sullivan:
Yes the said person did it at an event I hosted. An individual recently had knee surgery and said person attacked his knee, injuring him. 

We stay away from the knee and the groin.  We are working with Huntfeltz's works for fighting in harness and in his half sword there are groin attacks so needless to say it takes caution learning said techniques :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Todd Sullivan on 2009-06-21, 20:46:35 ---An individual recently had knee surgery and said person attacked his knee, injuring him. 

--- End quote ---

That's unconscionable, IMHO. I can't imagine anyone taking it that far. If it were life-and-death, sure, but at an event? Inexcusable.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Todd Sullivan on 2009-06-21, 20:46:35 ---Yes the said person did it at an event I hosted. An individual recently had knee surgery and said person attacked his knee, injuring him. 

--- End quote ---

Yep, that kind of BS "win at all cost" attitude in anything but a genuine life and death struggle, would definately escalate it so the offending A-hole would earn a couple of 9mm rounds in the back of the head in the parking lot!  >:(


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