Main > The Armoury


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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-08-17, 03:21:37 ---
--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-08-17, 00:33:16 ---Already known fact. The Huns used compound bows from horseback with extreme precision long before the English archers trained with heavier Longbows. Longbows aren't exactly ideal bows for mounted soldiers. Standing is only way to use them.

--- End quote ---

I think you mean composite bows. Compound bows are a modern invention.

--- End quote ---

Yes correct. Yet again I misquote history. :) Composite.

haha ill be on the safe side and start using my dumbells again, pullups wont be enough :D

Sir William:
Actually, continual practice with your bow will be your best bet- you'll work the muscles exactly as you need them to...who knows, in time you may step up the weight.  Or not.

i casually lift 15 pound dumbells

Sir William:
Leganoth, you'll need to do A LOT of reps to build up strength with weights that'd be better off just doing continual shooting with the bow you have.  Do you have time and opportunity to shoot?  If you get it in at least every other day your muscles are going to form up just due to the routine if nothing else.


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