Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
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Sir William:
Think I am, too. You know what'd be cool? If we did something like this, tossed in a couple epic duels...bet we'd have a following before long.
Sir Edward, do we have a YT channel?
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-16, 18:55:33 ---Think I am, too. You know what'd be cool? If we did something like this, tossed in a couple epic duels...bet we'd have a following before long.
Sir Edward, do we have a YT channel?
--- End quote ---
If we don't, we should get one. They give them to anybody. *I* even have one. :D
Sir Edward:
Yeah, we could create one. So far I've just posted stuff under my own account.
Sir William:
Our duels and appearances should be posted on a Marshal channel, imho. By the way, I'm hooked on this show, working my way through the first season now. I really like Edda...wasn't til the third episode that I realized she's also the show's creator. Very cool...sorta explains why she seems more dialed in than anyone else.
Sir Brian:
Sir Edward, what was the name of that other LARP webcast show with the knight in it?
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