Main > The Courtyard

Absolute Force hand protection

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-08-15, 07:44:18 ---Hmm, they do look promising. Do you think you'll be able to make it to MASHS this Sunday?
We can give them a go then.  :)

--- End quote ---

I'm afraid not. I'm on the hook for the pager at work, so I need to stick close.

Sir Edward:

Well, I'm selling this pair to Jess, and ordered myself a set in size L. I think the length of it will fit my hand better, and get the wrist motion to be in the right place.

Sir James A:
Jess is nearby, right? I'd like to give a quick try-on to see which size fits me better, if I can try on your L and they are too L for me.

Sir Brian:
Well I just might have to seriously look into these sooner than later since during yesterday's training session, on my last duel of course, I took another direct hit to my already injured and nail-less thumb.  :(

The hit was pretty hard and I suspect the blade had gone between the protective padding on my thumb. The force of the hit actually split my skin in three places on the side of my thumb and it's still seeping blood twelve hours later. :P

Anyways I'll still be good for Friday night's exhibition, I'll just ask that you refrain from targeting my right hand if at all possible Sir Edward!  :-\

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sheesh !!  :o
That`s bad luck Sir Brian


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