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Ozark Medieval Fortress closed?

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Sir William:
Bradamante...oh, the fantasies I've had of this fair warrior maiden in the service of Charlemagne.  Since I love books regarding that era in time, I'll check yours out!  Hope I can get it on Kindle.

I never even got to see this fortress, didn't know it existed.  Would've loved to have seen it as it progressed.

Sir Wolf, PM in your box.

Sir William,
It is too bad you hadn't heard of the Ozark Medieval Fortress.  I blogged about it several times before and after it opened.  It had made a few ripples in the Medieval blogosphere, but alas, not enough to make it an overnight success.

If you are a traveling man, you can go see a similar project that is farther along.  It is in the Burgundy region in France, about an hour and a half southeast of Paris.  Guédelon Castle was started in 1997, and it is projected to be finished in 2025.  Perhaps you may have watched the "Going Medieval" documentary with Mike Loades on the History Channel. If so, Guédelon was featured prominently in that special.

Here is a link to my blog posts about Guédelon  http://lcmccabe.blogspot.com/search/label/Guedelon
and here is a link to its website as well where they have updated their welcome page to include a new video:  http://www.guedelon.fr/en/
It is an amazing experience to walk back into time and feel as if you are witnessing history in the making.

(And yes, my novel is available on Kindle.  Thank you for asking.  I hope you enjoy it as I had medievalists in mind when I was writing it.)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-07, 16:35:54 ---Bradamante...oh, the fantasies I've had of this fair warrior maiden in the service of Charlemagne.  Since I love books regarding that era in time, I'll check yours out!  Hope I can get it on Kindle.

I never even got to see this fortress, didn't know it existed.  Would've loved to have seen it as it progressed.

Sir Wolf, PM in your box.

--- End quote ---

Sir William, you might also enjoy this author (if you haven't read her yet).
I finished reading her Templar series (Brethren, Crusade, & Requiem)

Sir Edward:

I'm sorry to hear that it played out that way. I think something that would have helped would have been more on-going updates and photos on the website. Every time I looked for status updates, all I could really find were the pre-existing concept art images.

Perhaps if there had been some scheduled events, like a small medieval faire and living history weekends and the like, some additional foot traffic could have been generated?

Sir Edward,

They did try.

There was a blog on the website, another blog from one of their guides, Medieval James http://medievaljames.blogspot.com/, as well as a Twitter account to supply updates quicker than your average website update.  They also posted photos on a separate page within the website.

There had special events such as falconry demonstrations and  a special after hours event with a local college Renaissance club. The Ozark Medieval Fortress was even voted on as being one of the Top Ten Tourist Attractions in Arkansas.  I was hoping that on brochures and newspaper accounts would spur interest.

Another thing that I thought would really put them on the map was getting Larry the Cable Guy to tape a segment for his History Channel show "Only in America."  Too bad that it aired this winter, after the owners made the painful financial decision that they could not sustain another full season.

I had recommended to them to become a vendor at the Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo, but that requires a lot of advance planning and was not something they did.  Too bad, because I think it would have spread the word farther in the medieval communities about their marvelous project.


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