Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Looking for feedback / ideas


Sir James A:
I've done quite a bit of work on my website lately, part in adding content, and part in features like "tags".

I still need to take and post some pictures of armor, but I think I could have some other things on my site that are more useful, such as the 'Myths and Misconceptions' part that I started.


If anybody has any ideas for something to add to existing pages, or new pages/sections, or some kind of new feature, let me know. Thanks!

Sir William:
This is the first time I've ever seen the site...lots of sub menus there; is there any way to give a preview of what each one holds?  I'm thinking sort of like google does now- if you hover your cursor over the double arrows next to a given link you can see a snapshot of the page.  Other than that?  More pics!  ;)

Looks good, man.

Sir James A:
Sir William, I added a hover preview for each of the sections now.

I also updated a bunch of pages, added some more pictures, and of particular interest is that I added a page that lists my armor collection by maker (with pictures) instead of by the "harness" grouping that I have it on the stand as. I need to add notes on a bunch of the pieces, there's a few I need to list, and I'll be taking a bunch of pictures this weekend - but at least I made a good chunk of progress.

Ah, and any pages I've updated in the last 30 days have the "NEW" image next to it.

Sir Brian:
Wow! That looks great Sir James! Your site is yet another excellent reference source for us all! :)

Sir Edward:

Wow, great! Looks good!


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