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Medieval Pavilions

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Sir Wolf:
ya over eating, not drinking enough water have been my enemies the past few months... but stress does that to me.


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-10-04, 18:05:32 ---Ok, I laughed out loud in my office at that first one!  And of course you're right on the second does start in the kitchen.  Insanity has been my enemy of late.

--- End quote ---

If you stick with it, Insanity will not let you down. P90x has the better nutrition guide, but Insanity is considerably tougher in the cardio realm. I did a hybrid of both programs for a while, now I just do my own thing, but they're both good programs. You can probably find the p90x food guide floating around on the internet.

Sir William:
My sister's doing P90X now...she swears by it.  So the nutrition guide with Insanity's no good?  Thought it looked too easy to adhere to.  Now I'm just counting calories and number of meals to get the right number- different numbers for me and my wife of course.

I figure once I get my 'girlish figure' back I can probably calm those down and do a hybrid of weight training and light cardio.  I sincerely detest cardio...

Sir James A:
Medieval Fantasies Company came through in a pinch for me, and got me two more pole / rope / stake sets, a stake puller, some hanging hooks, and pole finials too. Just got done painting the poles and finials, need to drill the finials tomorrow, and I'll have pictures after Days of Knights. They should make a nice little touch.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
That`s a great sized tent Sir Ian, you just need to see Sir James about the furnishings now and you`re set......Do we have a medieval feng shui expert in the lists ?? ;)


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